Yep, I got sick this week. Not fun. I think I caught a cold or something, which is ironic because it's super hot still outside. Oh well. It all worked out though because Elder Goodsell had his ingrown toenail removed last week, so he had to take it easy. Good timing to get sick I guess. haha.
We took a lot of time to call potential and former investigators this week. When we drove around on Saturday, we were lead to one persons address from the area book. The people there were just getting ready to leave. I asked if Marlon lived there, and they said he had move. But we kept talking and they also said that about a year ago, they would have missionaries come by their house in Baton Rouge. They were opened to us coming back.
When we got back in the car, we called the missionaries who had taught them and they were so excited, in fact one of them is in our district, so we are going on exchanges so he can introduce them to me. Apparently they are a great family. I know God lead us there.
Another miracle. A cell phone sales lady stopped us and started talking with us. She ended up asking questions like, where do I go after this life. Why am I here? What do you believe about families. I told her we believe that families will be together forever and her face lit up!! She told us she had never heard of that before. It got her super happy and excited. The sisters will begin teaching her this week.
Last miracle of all: Sister Marriott from the general young women's presidency spoke in our sacrament meeting. She's super neat. She's a convert from the Methodist church. Her conversion story is inspiring. She taught us the word DAILY. She said, how do you stay firmly planted on the foundation of Christ(actually a question I had asked our investigator the day before, and he was there with us at the meeting). The answer is DAILY. If we do the specific things daily to increase our testimony and remind us of Christ, we will stay firmly rooted in the foundation of Christ. What an answer to my prayers. And what a week.
Love y'all,
Elder Chandler Allen
Chandler made Elder Goodsell ride on the cart because of his ingrown toenail.
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