week was great! We have been buckling down with our planning so that we
can use our time most effectively. This also means that we are very
busy. Haha. I walk into the apartment at night and just want to sleep.
It's probably Satan tempting me to just miss daily planning for the next
day. I need to work hard on overcoming that temptation.
watched conference! He watched the first session on Sunday. He saw the
three new apostles bare their testimonies. I honestly don't think he
enjoyed it as much as he was expecting and it seemed a little too
political to him. But he still wants to watch more. He is honestly
searching to know if this gospel is true. He prays for God to tell him
if it is true. I know he will receive an answer when God knows he is
ready. Keep Bob in your prayers.
We brought cookies and a note to Olivia, but she wasn't there. I hope her heart is softened.
were able to visit a lot of less active members this week. Darrel is
doing alright. Often times our lessons get too complicated, so we are
going to simplify them a bit, just like what Dieter F. Uchtdorf talked
about in conference.
Conference was fantastic! It is kinda
like a holiday for us missionaries. We get to have the overwhelming
feeling of the spirit and get to have a break from normal proselyting. We
watched most of the sessions at the church. I loved all the talks about
faith. Neil L. Anderson gave a sad, but really good talk on faith. If
we are obedient, our faith will increase. It's so important for our
faith to increase so that we can withstand the evil influences of the
world and so we can stand as a light to the world which was something
that was talked about by Kim B. Clark I believe. I also really enjoyed
the talks about allowing the spirit to always be with you and how
important it is. That is probably the biggest reason the general
authorities have emphasized keeping the Sabbath Day Holy, because we
renew our covenants, which in return, God gives us the Spirit to always
be with us.
Neill F. Marriot was from Louisiana. She's from
Alexandria, which is the center of the zone I'm in right now. It was
nice to here that southern accent during conference! Haha.
talks about Mom's and women in the church made me a bit trunky because I
was just thinking about how great and wonderful my Mom is. Mom's are
truly saviors. They have such a sacred and special calling. Russell M.
Nelson gave a great call to action to all the women. We truly need your
help in the church. Some of the greatest missionaries are women. Women
are essential in this church.
Thomas S. Monson gave great
talks. I could literally just write down everything. Everything he said
just applies to our lives. I was really saddened to see that he was
struggling a bit towards the end of his talk. I know that he is inspired
of God. I know that he receives direct revelation from God for these
last days. I felt the spirit as he spoke.
I hope all of y'all
had a great conference weekend. Watch and read the talks again. I was
thinking of how amazing it would be if we could feel the spirit that
strong always. And we can. Let us apply what we've learned. Make goals
to improve and check up on yourself regularly. You can look back and see
your improvement from last conference. I love you all!
Love, Elder Chandler Allen
Elder Allen and Elder Lehr got to go to Stake President Deford's home to watch General Conference.